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A dice drop big boss generator. 

Need a boney big boss in a hurry? Just Grab a handful of dice, drop them on a table. Draw an outline around the dice for the construct’s basic shape.  Now you are ready to choose your baddies stats, weapons, looks, smells, and any and all of the tables that make sense for your adventure. 

Use the bone construct image file to illustrate your custom construct. Simply copy layers and slide, rotate and accessorize until you have the boney boss of your dreams. Instructions included in the PSD file. Compatible with most image software like PS, Affinity, CSP, GIMP, etc.

Add a touch of personalization to let your party know that you are always thinking of them… and how to destroy them.

Published 25 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
Tagsborg, Horror, morkborg, pirateborg, Pirates, Tabletop role-playing game


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

BoneConstructDiceDrop.pdf 29 MB
Bone Construct Dice Drop Generator.psd 49 MB
Bone Golem Dice Drop Generator.afphoto 24 MB


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Such a cool and funny idea!

Thanks! Look out for more, I ran out of time, but have several generators in the works for Pirate Borg and all the other major Borg food groups.